Not convinced your teams know the difference between a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)?
There are important distinctions between the two: A PIA should be conducted on all technologies and services that involve personal information so a company can confirm whether the risk is acceptable, while the DPIA is a much longer, more involved assessment, and only needs to be done if the activity meets the thresholds in GDPR Article 35.
A DPIA/PIA Policy everyone can understand is critical to ensuring compliance and saving time and effort.
DPSA can build your Data Protection/Privacy Impact Assessment (DPIA/PIA) Policy and develop associated workflow to clearly delineate if a DPIA or PIA is required, which is the right one to use, and when it should be conducted.
DPSA can build your Data Protection/Privacy Impact Assessment (DPIA/PIA) Policy and develop associated workflow to clearly delineate if a DPIA or PIA is required, which is the right one to use, and when it should be conducted.
Contact Us Today and we can start you on a path to regulatory compliance.