COVID-19 Data Collection Notice (at the point of collection for employees, visitors, etc.)

Getting conflicting information about your privacy requirements when it comes to collecting COVID-19 data from employees and/or site visitors? Not sure if the data is covered by HIPAA?


COVID-19 has brought about a whole new set of concerns and scenarios when it comes to data privacy. Collecting CDC-recommended COVID-19 health-screening data—from employees or site-visitors— does not automatically make the data covered by HIPAA. And the personal information you collect—as well as what you do with it—is subject to privacy regulations, including GDPR and CCPA.

As a result, a COVID-19 Data Collection Notice explaining the collection process, use, protection, and potential sharing of that personal information is not only a privacy requirement, it’s also critically important in anticipating and minimizing confusion and concerns.

DPSA can help you build a cross-functional COVID-19 Response team to assist with these matters. We will monitor updates and recommendations from the CDC, ADA, and OSHA on data collection and use, and prepare your COVID-19 Data Collection Notice with all required information so it can be distributed in advance to employees and posted at all on-site screening locations.

We offer a broad range of services that can be customized to your needs.

Contact Us Today and we can start you on a path to regulatory compliance.